Discreet Fist Tipped EmbroidedPolo White/Navy
Discreet Fist Tipped Polo White/Navy
Our Discreet Fist Tipped Polo White/Navy shirts comes with the normal fashionable knit collar & cuffs, Reactive dyed, Open hem, Self-coloured matching buttons.
Forget your other major brands of discreet logos, get the latest on the Northern Soul Scene & be in the incrowd, available in many colours.
An excellent quality shirt offering great value.
Adult Sizes: Small 37", Medium 40", Large 42", XLarge 44", XXLarge 47". XXXLarge 49"
For Dancers or Casual Wear.
If you require any further inormation or help with this this please do not hesitate to contact us free on: 0808 1696 442 or email: tizzy@northern-clothing.co.uk